Tuesday, January 14, 2020

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so rhis all about this and if you wabt more information on this app then comment below i will provide you more interesting information .
thaks a lot for reading my bolg.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


                           ACT 1, SCENE 1

The play opens on board a ship a sea, in the midst of a fierce storm. It is a noisy scene. The storm is driving the ship ashore. The captain of the ship tells the boatswain to inspire the crew of the ship to be alert and to fight the storm.The boatswain is going to give his orders,when Alonso,Sebastian,Antonio,Ferdinand,Gonzalo and other royal passengers of the ship appear on the deck.
 Alonso,the King of Naples,speaks to the boatswain.He wants to know the whereabouts of the captain of the ship.The boatswain does not have the time to respect royalty when the ship is in the midst of such a terrible storm. He says:"What cares these roarers for the name of king?"He orders them to return to their cabin since they are merely being a hindrance to the crew's effort in saving the ship.After that the boatswain totally ignores them despite the cursing by Sebastian and Antonio,who are not satisfied with the sailors' attempt in saving the ship.
Though equally fearful of sinking,Gonzalo,an older courtier,makes light of the situation by saying that the boatswain is so rude he must be destined to be hanged.Thus,he's not likely to be drowned,and with him aboard,the ship is safe.But this half - hearted joke doesn't calm anyone.In fact,by this time,the passengers are deserting the ship for the open waves,and Gonzalo's last words,'I would fain die a dry death,'hold out little hope for their survival. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

How to make Bank Reconciliation Statement

Procedure of Preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement

A reconciliation statement is prepared when an account holder gets the duly completed pass book from the bank.Immediately on receiving the pass book, he tallies the bank balance shown by the cash book with the balances shown by the pass book and,in case of any difference,items appearing in the pass book are checked and ticked with the items appearing in the cash book are checked and ticked with the items appearing in the cash book.Unticked items in both the books will the help of these causes of difference,a statement of reconciliation will be prepared.

A Bank Reconciliation Statement can be prepared by taking the balance either as per cash book or as per pass book as a starting point.If the statement is started with the balances as per pass book column of the cash book,the answer arrived at in the end will be the balances as per pass book.Alternatively,if the statement is started with the balances as per pass book,the answer arrived at in the end will be the balances s per cash book.

               The balances as per cash book may be either debit or credit and similarly the balances as per pass book may also be either debit or credit:-

1.(a)Dr. Balance as per cash book indicates that the trader has so much balances of deposit at the bank.

     (b)Cr. Balance as per cash book indicates the amount which has been withdrawn in excess of the deposits.Credit balance as per cash book is also called 'Overdraft Balance as per Cash Book'

2.(a)Cr. Balance as per pass book indicates that the trader has so much balance of deposit at the bank.

      (b)Dr. Balance as per pass book indicates the amount which has been withdrawn in excess of the deposit.Debit Balance as per pass book is also called 'Overdraft as per Pass Book'.

what is the Similarities of cash book with Journal

Similarities of cash book with Journal

(1)Just like a journal,transactrion in the cash book are recorded date wise i.e,in a chronological order,as and when they take place.

(2)Just like a journal,transaction in the cash book are recorded for the first time from source documents.

(3)Just like a journal,transaction from cash book are also posted to the relevent accounts (except cash accounts) in the ledger.

(4)Just like a journal, a cash book also contains a ledger Folio Column.



Although it is not necessary to maintain a journal and the transaction can be recorded directly in the ledger accounts, a journal, still is used for the following reasons:

(1)AsTransaction in journal are entered as and when they take place, the possibility of omission of a transaction in the books of accounts is minimized.

(2)As transaction in journal are recorded in chronological order,it is very easy to locate a particular transaction when required.

(3)By analysing each transaction into debit and credit aspects, the journal facilitates the posting into ledger.

(4)Each entry in the journal carries narration which gives a brief explation of the transaction.Hence, posting in the ledger can be made without explation.

(5)Journal facilitates cross checking of lerdger accounts in case a trial balance does not agree.

(6)Since entire transaction is recorded at ion place in the journal, the identity of each transaction is maintained on a permanent basis.

(7)Once the transaction is recorded in journal,posting in the ledger can be made as and when convenient.

Saturday, March 23, 2019



Real accounts can be classified in the following two categories:-

(A)Tangible real Accounts:-Tangible real accounts are the accounts of those things which can be touched,felt,measured,purchased,sold etc. Examples of such accounts are cash account,Stock accounts, Furniture accounts,Land accounts,Building accounts etc. It should be noted that bank Accounts is not a real accounts but it is an Artificial Personal Account since it represents the account of the banking Company an artificial person.
(B)  Intangible Real Accounts:-These accounts represent such things which cannot be touched,but,of cource,their value can be measured in terms of money.Examples are: Goodwill accounts, Patents accounts, Trade Marks account, Copyrights accounts etc.



We Know that man is a bundle of wants. In order to satisfy their wants wants, people earn their livehood and produce various goods and services. Production of goods and services requires the help of different factors of production and coordination among various producers. For examples , for the production of wheat we require land (farm), labour (farmer), and capital (agricultural tools and implements). Similarly, if you take the example of the production of cloth in a large scale factory you will find that for the production of cloth you require the cooperation of many factors such as land for the factory, labourers, machines, managers, entrepreneurs etc

We also know that no one in the econmy can himself produces all goods and srtvices of his requirment. Whosoever thinks to be more able and efficient in the production of any particular commodity, he devotes himself to be the production of that commodity.This is called division of labour or specialisation. for exampl, a farmer producers grains, a weaver weaves cloth, a carpenter makes wooden things and an ironsmith makes the tools of iron. Hence everybody has to exchange his goods and services with the products of others. this gives rise to the system of mutual exchange. in this way the activities related to earning livelihood, production and exchange become very essential in the satisfaction of human wants. in order to perform all these activities we requires some sort of system, organisation or structure, which we call an economy.

Thus, an economy is a system in which and by which people get a living to satisfy their wants through the processes of production, exchange and distribution.

For the smooth working of an economy the processes of production, consumption,exchange, distribution and investment are essential.That is why they are called essentials or vital processes of an economy.

Friday, March 15, 2019



1.Voluntary Unemployment:It is not possible in any economy that all persons are compulsorily engaged in economic activities. Some persons may voluntarily choose not to undertake ant economic activity. Such persons remain unemployed by their own choice. Hence, when people do not work by choice, they are termed voluntary unemployed. Why do people prefer to remain voluntary unemployed?There may be various reasons for it.Some of the main reasons are as follows: 
*Some people are not prepared to work at current wage rate because they consider it a low wage rate.
*After a certain stage, some people prefer leisure to work.
*Some people may be in search of good job or the job according to their qualification and capacity.

2.Involuntary unemployment:Involuntary unemployment refers to the situation when workers are prepared to work at prevailing wage rate but jobs are not available to them due to the deficiencies of aggregate demand. If there is Involuntary unemployment in the economy it means there will be under-employment equilibrium in the economy.In the situation of Involuntary unemployment some people who are physically and mentally fit to work and also willing to work at the going wage rate do not get job and thus become unemployed.This kind of Involuntary unemployment is widely prevalent in the Indian economy.

 3.Cyclical and Secular Unemployment:The problem of unemployment especially in developed countries arises only when the demand for goods is reduced in the market. When demand falls, industries also reduce their production and as a result of it some labourers are relived from the jobs.Thus, in these countries, while they have do not produce.Unemployment originates from the reasons that they do not produce. And they do not produce because of the reasons that there is no demand in the market. Hence, as the demand for goods increases, they start production and employment also starts to increase. Thus, when unemployment originates due to lack of aggregate demand in the short period, it is termed Cyclical Unemployment. 

4.Structural Unemployment:We find fast changes in the nature of economic activities and demand patterns in an economy. It is possible that with the passage of time some economic activities may gain importance. With the changes in the demand patterns of goods makes change in the de4m,and patterns for labourer. As a result of it there may be demand for labour in a particular sector of region in the country.But in another sector or region people may be in search of job. This is the situation of  Structural Unemployment. Structural Unemployment originates due to changes in the dtructure of the economy in the form of change in the demand pattern for goods and labour.

5.Frictional Unemployment:

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

How can I get 1 LAKH in one month?

How can I get 1 LAKH in one month?

Earning good money is a very easy thing now a days it seems pretty good but reality, this is not.
Everything is take some time, if you want to earn 1 lakh per month, you can......... you can..........
but you can not earn 1 lakh or even 50000. in a very first month..

what ever you did it's generate revenue but not quick it takes time.

so there are no methodology earning money urgently. if you will search in youtube tht

1) how can earn 50000/month.

2)how can earn 30000 with in week.

you will find lots of videos bul all of these fake, yes i m telling u all are fake before few months ago i also searching same loke this.

i didn't follow shortcut.

if you really wanna earn lots of money lacs crores so .

$$ if you need urgent money so whatever you find talent find it and start making money with these sites as a freelancer.

$$ if you have ability ti write content so you can earn pretty much earning with in 1 to 2  months via writing news on ucnews, newdog.

$$ tou can start blogging but it takes time.

$$ if you are vedios creater or ability to making exclusive vedio so you can start youtube channel, there are lots of category available in youtube, you can start anything.

Many more option available if you are really interested.

                                                       THANK  YOU.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019



The S&P CNX Nifty is the stock index of large companies on the Ntional Stock Exchange (NSE). IT Consists of 50 diverse scrips which represent over 20 sectors of the Indian economy

This is a flag ship index of the NSE. A weighted average of the 50 constituent scrips is used to calculate the Nifty.The Nifty stocks represent around 60 percent of the total market capitalisation and about 55 percent of the traded values of all stocks on the NSE.Like the Sensex, Nifty is reconstituted, periodically.Nifty is useful in the following ways: .

1:It helps investors and the common man to judge the mood of the stock market and the Indian economy.When the Nifty rises it is a signal that companies in Indian are performing well and the economy is in good health.

2.Individual and institutional investors can use the Nifty to track market movements. They can compare performance of a specific company with market performance.

3.Shareholders can evaluate management of their company by comparing company performance with thye market.

4.Traders and intermediaries in the stock market can judge sentiments across the market.

5.Nifty indices can be replicated by index funds to earn market returns.

6.Nifty is used as the benchmark for performance of mutual funds.

7.Nifty is Helpful in derivative trading.Investors can use Nifty for hedging their exposures in the equity market.     

                                THANK YOU FOR READING 



The BSE Sensex (Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index) is a "Market capitalization weighted index, of the shares of 30 select companies. These 30 component Stock represent a sample of large, well established and financially sound companies. The Sensex is widely reported in both domestic and international print and electronic media. It is widely used to measure the performance of India's Stock markets.

The BSE Sensex is a benchmark index of the Indian capital market. It is considered to be the pilse of the Indian stock markets. The base period of the sensex in 1978-79 and its base value is 100 points. It was first computed in 1986. The Sensex serves the following objectives.

1.To Measure Market Movements:The sensex reflects movement  (rises and dips) in the Indian Stock Markets. Itr is widely used to judge the mood in the Indian Sock Markets. 

2.Benchmark For Funds: The Sensex consists of blue chip companies and gives a balanced industry representation. Therefore, Fund managers use it as the benchmark to judge the performance of their mutual funds.

In fact small investors, institutional investors and money managers all refer to the Sensex for their specific purposes. The criteria used for selection of scrips for the Sensex are as follows:

1.Market Capitalisation: The scrip should be among the top 100 listed companies in terms of market of market capitalsation Moreover, the market capitalisation of the scrip should be more than 0.5 percent of the total market capitalisation of the Index. Companies in the Sensex account for around one fifth of the market capitalisation of the BSE.

2.Industry Represebtatiopn:The scrip should be representative of its industry group. The companies in  the index are leaders in their respective industries.

3.Regularity of Trading:The scrips should have been traded on every trading day for the last six months, excepts for extreme reasons like scrip suspension, etc.

4.Number of Trader:The scrip should be among the top 150 listed companies by average number of trader of trades per day for the last six months. 

5.Volume of Trade:The scrip should be among the top 150 listed companieslisted by average volume trader per day for the last six months.

The Sensex is reconstituted periodically in order to represent the true face of Indian economy.The companies in the sensex and their weighted are revised periodically. Therefore the readers are advised to get the lastest position from the website of the Bombay Stock Exchange.

Monday, March 11, 2019


The exchange of goods is a complex process best with several types of hindrance. Commerce removes these hindrance. According to James Stephenson, "commerce embrace all those activities with help to break the barriers between producer and consumers. it is the sum total of those processes which are engaged in the removal of Hindrances of person (trade), place (transport, packing and insurance), and time (warehousing) in the exchange (banking and finance) of commodities".

  Thus the main function of commerce is to remove the following hindrances: 

 1.Hindrance of person:This hindrance refer to the lack of contract between producer and consumer. the producer is faced with the problem of financing the buyers who need the goods he has produced and who are able and willing to buy such goods. the consumer does not know the source of supply of goods which would satisfy his needs at prices he can afford. Commerce removes this hindrance by means of trade. Trade provides an organised market where the buyers and sellers can contact each other. It saves both producers and consumers from the time consuming  and expensive exercise of locating each other.

2.Hindrance of places:A major problem faced by producers is to send their goods to distant places without loss through theft, pilferage, damage,etc. Commerce solves this problem by means of transport, packing and insurance . Modern means of transport carry goods to far of places quickly andf safely. Packing of goods helps to preserve their quality in transit and storage.with the help of packing, businessman can preserve the quality of goods. Thus, transportation and packing are useful commercial activities.

3. Hindrance of time:In modern industry goods are produced on a large scale in acticipation  of demand. There is usually a time gap between the production and consumption of goods. Therefore, it become necessary to solve the goods until they are sold.

4.Hindrance of exchange:Buying and selling of goods between persons living in different places requires a common medium  of payment. Money serves as common medium of payment. However, convenient, and safe means of payment are required to settle the transaction. Banks helps to removes this obstacles in the process of exchange by making and collecting payments on behalf of their clients.

5.Hindrance of risk:During transportation and storage, there are several possibilities of loss or damage of goods.There also exist risk  of theft, burglary deterioration,fire,etc. There risks cause anxiety among businessmen and discourage them from investing money in business. Insurance helps to remove the hindrance of risks by compersating businessmen for financial loss. It plays a vital role in the development of trade and commerce.


Profit earning is essential in business due to the following reasons:

1.Incentive:Profit is the driving force behind every business. It inspires people to start an enterprise and to work hard for making it successful.Profit is the reward for undertaking the risk of business.

2. Survival:Profit is essential for the survival of business and it ensure the continuity of an enterprise. In the absence of profits an enterprise will eat up its own capital and ultimately close down. with the help of profit business can replace obsolete machinery and equipment and thereby maintain its capacity to create wealth.

3.Growth:Profit is the biggest source of capital for expansion and growth of business It serves as a m,eans of self financing. In addition, profit enable business to attract capital from outside. Nobody likes to invest money in a loss making enterprise.

4.Measure of efficiency: Profit is considered to be the index of success in business. people judes the performance of an enterprise on the basis of profit earned by it.

5.Prestige and recognition: A loss making business enjoys no goodwill. Profit provide economic power and status to businessmen. Higher profits increase the bargaining strength and credit worthiness of business. Moreover, only a profit making business can provide service to society.